The best friend of Free Writers is the organization and knows how to use their own time. Become a beginner of a free writer will like his freedom and independence. Liberty does not have to work in the compartment. Instead, they can work on Starbucks, Library and even on the beach. But this lifestyle requires discipline, just like working in the business world. Even if you get rid of this suit and sweat, you might be difficult to complete the work and find it difficult to do more. In the world of freelancers you can earn more money at a faster speed faster speed. Try these ideas to make your career better:
1) Save daily notebooks for free writing. In the beginning this seemed strange, especially in the era of electronic storage of information, but research showed that writing the hand and fingers of writing stimulates and helps to think, language and working memory. Write the date at the top of the page in the notebook and use the Bullet point to mention the task or “to-do”. Mark every task when completing. One day new operations or tasks are added to this list. The next morning, a new page with dating, and write down what you still have to do the day before.
2) Clean up your family office and remove all scattered waste paper and sticky notes. Hang up the whiteboard on the wall and write down your current and upcoming free professional writing projects and deadlines. Use your daily notebook to write content that is usually on the sticky note. Liberty writers and related research, customer conferences, dating and other free writing tasks are separate from the comments from the daily “to do it” list. You can use labels with labels.
3) Following the time every day as a free writer, whether you are in marketing skills, talk or write to customers. Read the exact time of starting and completing your work every day. This seems to violate the concept of freedom in free writing, but because you are the only employee, you need to know how much time spends in a day. Following working hours can help you find out how long the task has been completed. If you spend more time on the project than you think, this can tell you some information about projects or customers. It can also help you determine the hourly rate of comparable writing projects, or decide whether you want to collaborate with the customer again.
4) Complete the work according to the usual feelings. Some free writers are even more sensitive in the morning and will be tired in the afternoon, while others need two cups of coffee to go in the morning and to fight in the afternoon. When you are the most alert in the Spirit, you are the best time to perform or perform other tasks. These tasks must pay attention to or critical thinking. When it is difficult to fill the screen with smart and interesting words, you must perform more routine tasks, such as reading e -mails, offering items, research and sending bills.
5) Plan to work when you work. As a free writer, do things for yourself after “Clock”. It is difficult to find out how much time spent spent freelancers and other things, such as paying bills, walking dogs, shopping in supermarkets and other personal tasks. Moreover, most people work much more time when they work in a 3-4-hour neighborhood to work a few times during the day.
6) Take out slippers and PJ and wear some clothing. The most important thing is to make themselves like other people who work in compartment with other artificial lighting. Clothing for work does not necessarily mean that tie or high heels, but the development of habits will help the writing occupation of your freelancer more valuable and make you more confidence.
7) Switch off the TV and put DVR in. If you can only watch TV, your brain can handle another thing so that you can pay attention to the task that must be performed. If you are a free writer and like to start a TV in the background when you work, play music on the speaker instead of picking up the TV remote control.
8) Leave your house. If you do not have a separate office at home to close the door from outside, you can try to work outside the house for a few hours. Do some studies and then try different Starbucks, Peets and other coffee shops in your area to find Starbucks, Peets and other coffee shops that are most suitable for you. In addition to convenience and comfort, you also have to check whether there are WiFi, how many people and his voice are at the same time.